First day of year 2 was... As expected. Started with lessons already. So much for first-day-relax crap. Have to buy Year 2 textbooks all. Most prolly I'll buy it on wednesday.
I have a crazy complexity. I thought of buying an Ipod Touch and it costs $300 over. I went online and saw this awesome promotion for Samsung Omnia Pro by Singtel and I'm tempted to do a recontract to get that phone. If I go for both Ipod Touch and that Samsung Omnia Pro, I'll have to pay about $420.
I checked again online for Iphone and with about $400 I'm able to get an Iphone and I have to recontract and upgrade my plan to about $40 per month.
So what now? $420 for Samsung Omnia Pro and Ipod Touch or $400 for Iphone with a monthly subscription of $40. I'm really torn.
I'm hoping for tomorrow to be a good day and so is every other day. I'm still hoping for money to suddenly appear right in front of me amounting about $640 000.00 . That would suffice.
Since school has re-opened I have decided that I wanna study really hard. I wanna ace all my module. I wanna get a good 4.0 GPA. Lets hope.
Ok off to bed now. - Damn school for having to sleep and wake up on time.
Labels: Always best interest